
A group of students giving a thumbs up.

How Extracurricular Activities Help College Applications

Getting into elite colleges requires a lot of time, work, and preparation. Students know that if they want to impress college admissions officers they need stellar test scores and straight A’s. However, nowadays, most college applicants boast an impeccable academic background and flawless transcripts. It is not enough to get top-notch ACT or SAT scores and enroll in every tough course available at your high school. You need that special something that will help you stand out from the crowd of glorious minds. You need to show admissions officers that you are a specialist in what you do and that you are interesting. In other words, you (also) need well-chosen extracurricular activities.


How to choose your extracurricular activities?

All students aspiring to get into selective colleges know that extracurricular activities are a must for their college application. However, not all activities carry the same weight in the eyes of the college admissions committee. And it’s not about the activity per se, but about the student’s ability to prove genuine interest and a true passion for what they do. Admissions officers want to know what the applicant can bring to their school community and the potential impact they may have on campus.

While many may think extracurricular activities are about quantity, we are here to tell you that they are mostly about quality. When you work with our college counselors, you learn that the best extracurricular activities you can choose usually convey your abilities, interests, and passions. Mindfully chosen activities weigh a lot more than a list of activities just to impress your audience.

Your extracurricular profile needs to add more to your story than just your willingness to do what needs to be done to get into college. College admissions officers are looking for interesting people who are determined to become their best version through hard work, study, and commitment. No, you don’t need to take part in any activity offered by your school or grab any opportunity to attend summer programs. You need to be true to yourself. Every academic decision should reflect both your personality and professional ambitions.

What extracurricular activities should you choose?

Most college applicants are highly accomplished and have engaged in numerous activities that entail the use of leadership skills and talents. So what extracurricular activities should you choose to make it easier for college admission officers to differentiate your application from all the others? Besides choosing activities that reflect your interest and resonate with your specialty, you should also have pursuits that foster your non-academic skills, allow you to develop your team player skills, and refine your leadership skills. However, don’t hesitate to also get involved in activities that demonstrate your curiosity and initiative and, why not, are fun to do. Here are some ideas:

Academic extracurricular activities

Every college essay should reflect the student’s experience with academic extracurricular activities. High schools usually have an academic club for every subject. Make sure you choose a subject that you’re passionate about or at least have an interest in. Just think about what your favorite classes are and what college courses would you like to attend. You can consider joining the math club, physics club, chess club, robotics club, literature club, or the debate team. Academic clubs showcase your interest in continuously learning new things while maintaining a competitive spirit. They will also help you develop your public speaking and academic writing skills.

Debate team

Leadership activities

Depending on the college you want to attend and the career you want to follow, leadership skills are usually indispensable to get there. If you find it difficult to channel your leadership skills, you can join a club that focuses on training new leaders. School-sponsored peer leadership groups and other school leadership programs are exactly what you need to foster leadership qualities. Joining the student government is a great way to get involved in your high school’s matters while proving that you have leadership qualities that have garnered the necessary votes from your school’s student body.

Community service activities

Giving back to the community is always highly regarded by college admissions officers. A service-oriented activity proves you are a team player, know how to follow your mentors’ directions, and are willing to dedicate your time to your community. Community service activities focus on your compassion and dedication to make a difference in the world. Whether you join Habitat for Humanity, Big Brothers Big Sister of America, or offer your time to local free clinics, you are improving your college application while making the world a better place. You can’t go wrong with community service activities.

Sports and arts activities

Joining a sports team is much more than demonstrating your talent for sports. It is about teamwork, cooperation, and communication. Sports activities prove your ability to respect your commitments and accomplish various roles on the team. They may also help you prove your leadership skills. On the other hand, high school performing arts unveil the students’ special talents and passion. Art-related extracurricular activities are not something everyone can do. When you join an art club you highlight your dedication and passion for an artistic project, as well as what makes you different from the rest. Moreover, whether you join the drama club, dance team, or the school band, you will gain self-confidence and learn to belong to a community.

Sports activities

How many extracurricular activities should you pursue in high school?

There isn’t a predetermined number of extracurricular activities school students should pursue in high school for the best chance at getting into their dream colleges. However, one or two activities are usually not enough to impress the college admissions committee. If we were to suggest a maximum number, we would say ten. But your application will do just fine with three or four extracurriculars too if they are chosen wisely.

Make sure you choose activities you care about and don’t think you need to stick to the usual triad: sports, student government, and community service. Hobbies do count as extracurricular activities, so don’t forget to mention your photography website or blogging skills. Are you learning a new language or have a passion project? It surely counts. Turn your passions into extracurriculars that help the college admissions officers get to you know you better and see why you are special. Present the drive and purpose behind your choices and everything that you have learned following these activities. Show how you helped others through your work and be specific about how the experience has helped you become a better person.

Start participating in extracurricular activities since the ninth grade, so you have plenty of time to identify what brings you more joy. Narrow the list down as you make your way through the tenth and eleventh grades. Your goal should be personal growth and service and not just checking a box. Pursue your passions and join a wide range of clubs and teams. You can also try a part-time job or take on an internship to expand your base of knowledge. Twelfth grade is going to be the year when everything comes into place for your college application. This is when you ask for letters of recommendation from your extracurricular advisors and add the finishing touches to your high school career.