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How to Get Into an Ivy League School

Getting into an Ivy League school is notoriously difficult. With an average acceptance rate of only 7.6% among Ivy League schools, the admissions statistics are not exactly encouraging. However, this doesn’t mean you should give up. With hard work and the proper help, many school students manage to conquer all obstacles standing between them and their dream of attending one of the most elite schools.

What is an Ivy League school?

An Ivy League school is a world-class institution available exclusively to elite students, elite performers (athletes, writers, etc.), and elite connections (legacy families, children of world leaders, etc.). In other words, if you’re not running as fast as Usain Bolt or you aren’t the child of a wealthy donor or state president, your only option is to study hard and find your place among the elite students.

Yes, Ivy League schools are exclusive and elitist. They also are old institutions, with the youngest being founded in 1865 (Cornell), and all of them are situated in the northeastern states of the US. While they are not the highest-ranked schools in the US, as some mistakenly believe them to be, they always find themselves among the top 20 universities in the country.

Despite not being the best-ranked institutions in the US, their academics are impeccable, and a degree from these schools is often a guarantee for success. Since about 24% of the Forbes 400 attended an Ivy League school, no one is surprised to learn that Ivy League schools are the Holy Grail for many ambitious students.


How many Ivy League schools are in the USA?

There are eight Ivy League schools in the USA:

  • Brown University (5.4% acceptance rate)
  • Columbia University (5.1% acceptance rate)
  • Cornell University (10.6% acceptance rate)
  • Dartmouth University (7.9% acceptance rate)
  • Harvard University (4.5% acceptance rate)
  • The University of Pennsylvania (7.4% acceptance rate)
  • Princeton University (5.8% acceptance rate)
  • Yale University (5.9% acceptance rate)

In 2021, 281.060 applicants were determined enough to send their application to one of these institutions, but only 10% of them were successful.

What type of students are Ivy League schools looking for?

Ivy League universities are looking for students determined to change the world. They want students who are willing to contribute positively to their campus community, ambitious and hardworking but also passionate, kind, and willing to help others.

Of course, academic excellence plays a vital role in the admissions process, as the admissions officers are always looking for greatness. However, almost all applicants to Ivy League schools have stellar school transcripts, outstanding letters of recommendation, and an overwhelming extracurricular sheet. Many times, the chances of acceptance depend on the personal statement or supplemental essay meant to add an original voice to the application and reveal the applicant’s personality, goals, and ambitions.

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While many believe well-rounded applicants have better chances to impress admissions committees due to their “good at everything approach”, Ivy League schools are not looking for people who can do a little bit of everything. They are looking to achieve well-rounded student bodies and want focused students who will excel in their niche and become true experts, like math prodigies, award-winning poets, or polyglots.

What is strong performance for Ivy League schools?

The portrait of a school student with the best chances of getting into an Ivy League school is complex. Elite performers and elite connections stand a better chance of getting an acceptance letter, but this doesn’t mean you can’t get in based exclusively on an impeccable academic performance.

GPA – a high GPA is a must if you want to impress the admissions committee, and so are excellent grades. Most Ivy League schools take into consideration only students with an impressive GPA although not necessarily a perfect one.

Courses – Ivy League schools are looking for students who are not afraid of rigorous courses and academic challenges often materialized in AP, Honors, and IB courses that reflect their passions and ambitions.

Test scores – as expected, test scores play their part in getting into your dream school, and good SAT and ACT scores often mean nearly perfect scores: no less than 1400 on the SAT or 30 on the ACT. Although, lately the standardized scores have become less relevant, they still play a role in IVY’s admission.

Extracurricular activities – whether you identify yourself as a “tech entrepreneur” or “published self-author”, you need to prove it through achievements and unique experiences demonstrating you are exceptional and have a clear career direction.

student athlete

Personal essay – a well-written (free of grammatical and structural mistakes), passionate, and inspired college essay may at times make the difference between acceptance and rejection. Personalize your college essay to echo the university’s mission and values and share authentic experiences that reflect your motivation and showcase your leadership skills.

Early decision or action – statistics have proven that early decision and early action acceptance rates at Ivy League schools are nearly double than regular decision. For example, Brown has a 21.9% early decision/action acceptance rate compared to a 9% regular acceptance rate while Princeton has 15.4% compared to 6.1%.

Work with a Morzep college coach for a successful Ivy League school application

Students who want to get accepted into Ivy League schools and achieve future success need to start planning their admission journey as early as the 9th grade. The mission ahead is difficult and requires a lot of work and attention to detail. Most students who get into the Ivy League school of their dreams work with a college coach who guides them every step of the way.

When you work together with a Morzep college coach, you can benefit from assistance and guidance on your path to academic success. Our coaches will help you select the colleges that best suit your performance and goals and set milestones to help you navigate the route to admission. Furthermore, we will provide insights into the admissions process to better prepare your college application and help you write the perfect college essay to stand out from the crowd and make your voice heard.


Morzep college coaches are always available to discuss every aspect of your application, identify the best school curriculum for you, and make informed recommendations for improved acceptance rates. Furthermore, we will help you identify the best financial aid packages for you and help you with the application process.