
guy writing his essay

How To Write A Great Supplemental Essay

Supplemental essays are a crucial part of college applications, but they don’t have to be a drag to write. With a little bit of planning and some creative thinking, you can write supplemental essays that will make your application stand out and impress the admissions committee.

A great supplemental essay can give admissions officers a better sense of who you are and how you would contribute to their campus community. Many universities require a supplemental essay as a way of better getting to know their applicants. 

Let’s take a look now at the steps you should take to write a great supplemental essay and get into the academic program of your choice.

Answer the applicable questions

Many university applications have specific questions that require answers. It’s essential to read them carefully and give yourself time to come up with a well-crafted answer. If you need to write multiple supplemental essays, make sure they are unique and personalized according to each school’s requirements. Prospective students should work on one essay at a time instead of several, especially if they are interested in applying to a wide range of institutions.

Create an outline

It’s important to create an outline for each essay. An outline will speed up the process and make the essay more organized. You should make sure to include essential details about yourself, such as your academic achievements, valuable experience, and personal skills and qualities. Your grades matter too, but they shouldn’t be mentioned in the essay. Your application for admission will also include your school transcripts.

girl studying in the library

Don’t be repetitive

Repeating yourself can be the kiss of death for an essay. It can also ruin your chances of getting into the school you want. Keep things simple and original. Mention your academic performance but don’t insist on this topic. Supplementary essays are meant to help you stand out in a crowd of exceptional students and are not to list your grades. Make sure it captivates the intellectual curiosity of your audience with original details.

Make it yours

Your supplemental essay should be your echo. It should be personal and truthful. This is the shortest way to draw attention and resonate with your audience. You can, of course, ask someone to take a look and proofread it, but make sure it’s still your voice the college admissions officers will hear. You may have a unique ”writing voice.” Use it to your advantage. Talk about a personal passion or challenge but do it your way. And always have a powerful closing statement. It’s your personal statement. Make it sound like the real you.

Examples of supplemental essay prompts 

In this section, we’ll be taking a look at some examples of supplemental essay prompts. These are based on some of the most prestigious universities in the United States

girl preparing for an essay

Cornell University

Cornell University has different schools, including the College of Architecture, Art, and Planning, College of Engineering, and others. Here are some of their essay prompts:

College of Architecture, Art, and Planning

  • What are three words that best describe you?
  • What is your ‘thing’? What energizes you to a point where you forget about time? What are your passions, obsessions, inspirations, quirks, etc.

College of Engineering

  • What are three words would you use to describe Cornell’s College of Engineering?

In addition, applicants for the College of Engineering are required to write two supplemental essays at 250 words a piece. The first essay is required, while the second provides you with a Question A or B option.

Princeton University

Princeton University has a straightforward outline that features eight different prompts. The seventh question is designed for those who are undecided about their major, while the eighth is specifically for engineering students:

  • What activity, organization, work experience, or hobby has been meaningful to you?
  • We value diverse perspectives and the ability to have respectful dialogues on issues such as social justice. Share a time when you had a discussion regarding a difficult topic. What insight did you gain from it? How will you incorporate it in the future?
  • Tell us a story that intersects (or will intersect) your ideals based on service and civic engagement.
  • What brings you joy?
  • What sound is considered to be the soundtrack of your life experiences at the moment?

If undecided on a major:

  • What academic areas or programs suit your particular interests?

If pursuing a BSE Degree: Describe why you are pursuing a career in engineering.

guy writing in his notebook

University of Chicago

The University of Chicago has one of the toughest restrictions in terms of their first question: ”Why the University of Chicago?”

There are multiple approaches to this question, but you need to come up with a solid answer. Another way to answer is to come up with three to five unique offerings the school specifically has. If you intend to become a student here, you’ll want to spend time researching and coming up with ten reasons why you want to attend.

Here is a chart that will help you out during the process.

Emory University

Emory University has two essay prompts. The first one will cover the academic area you intend to study in. The second will be more of a getting to know you category.

For example, one of the things you can choose is “if you could witness an event in American history first-hand, what would it be and why.” Other questions can include sharing a time when you were awestruck by something.

At this point, you might have a good idea of the different kinds of prompts you can write for a specific school. Whether it’s for Washington University, Harvard University, or Indiana University, you should follow the instructions carefully and be able to write out personalized supplemental essays that reflect your common knowledge, ethnic background, and more.


Final Thoughts

When it comes to supplemental essays, they must go beyond your educational experience and cultural background. You can talk about what makes you unique. The personal experiences you’ve had in the past can be one of the topics of your essays. You can even write about historical figures or other exciting topics.

While some universities make it mandatory, others may have optional essays. Essays are meant to reflect your personality and academic drive and allow admissions officers to see if you can find your place in the college community.

It might just take writing a very good supplemental essay for the admissions officers at your schools of choice to accept you. Writing a college essay can take time and patience. But it will be worth it in the end.