

Northwestern University
Marisa Guerra from Walnut Creek, California – Northwestern University

“Going into the college admissions process, I knew precisely the major I wanted to study and the school I wanted to attend. However, the most daunting part of the college admissions process was making sense of the various elements and finding a starting point to make my dreams a reality.”

Marisa Guerra
Carlos y Lilia
University of CHicago

Carlos Cantu & Lilia Ruiz

Padres de Carlos Cantu, de Chicago, IL – University of Chicago

“¡Nuestro hijo ha sido admitido a la prestigiosa Universidad de Chicago con beca del 100%! Para nosotros y para Carlos es como una sueño hecho realidad. Desde el inicio de su high school, Carlos sabía donde quería estudiar y cuánto esfuerzo y sacrificio era necesario para ser admitido a una de las mejores universidades del mundo.”

Rice University

Mariela Garcia from The Woodlands, TX – Rice University

“Before meeting Morzep, I thought attending my dream college was solely in my imagination. Still, my dream has become a reality thanks to the guidance, strategies, and personalized attention received from Morzep, one of the best College Coaching teams in the US.”
Mariela Garcia
Marielas parents
Rice University

Job Garcia & Nelly Arteaga

Parents of Mariela Garcia from The Woodlands, TX – Rice University

“Morzep expertise and Mariela’s multiple accomplishments, focus, talent, and dedication during her High School years made it all possible. Mariela has been admitted to Rice University, and we are the proud parents of our new OWL!”
University of CHicago

Diego del Rio from Ann Arbor, MI – University of Chicago and MIT

“The college application process was daunting, but The Morzep team, notably Mario Moreno, was there to help every step of the way. With their guidance, I navigated the intricacies of the application process, perfected my essays, and ultimately got accepted into my dream colleges. I am incredibly thankful for working with MORZEP; they were great, simply THE BEST!”

Diego del Rio

Padres de Andrea Hernández, Boston University’2018

Luis y Gabby Hernández

“Gracias a MORZEP College Coaching, porque con su trabajo y dedicación hicieron que el sueño de nuestra hija Andrea se convirtiera en una realidad.”

Martha Fernanda Ávila – Texas Christian University’2018

“Applying to college was a process that started stressing me out since senior year. The amount of material that had to be turned in overwhelmed me and I didn’t feel like I could trust anyone to guide me into creating the perfect college application, until I found MORZEP.”

Martha Fernanda Avila
Maura y Jesus

Padres de Jesús Ojeda – Texas A&M University’2018

Maura y Jesús Ojeda

“El desconocimiento y la incertidumbre nos hacían pensar que el proceso de admisión sería una tarea demasiado pesada para poder realizarla solos, sobre todo porque para nosotros los pasos eran inciertos. MORZEP nos abrió los ojos, ampliaron nuestro panorama y el de nuestros hijos, fue tranquilizante trabajar con ellos, son un gran equipo.”



Tamara Balderas – University of Pennsylvania’2018

“Ever since I started to mentally prepare for the college admission process, I sensed I could need some help. I couldn’t have been more right. Without MORZEP, I wonder how I could have maneuvered the application frenzy, sharpened and polished my essays, and even learn how to write better. They were GREAT, they are the best team.”

Jaime and Wichis

Souther Methodist University’2019

Jaime and Wichis Diez

“Our son was a good high school student, but he wasn’t motivated about his college opportunities. Too many questions, and not enough answered. Fortunately, MORZEP turned around our son’s college searching experience and admission process making it an AMAZING, enjoyable and successful experience.”

Annie Lara Gordillo – Texas A&M University’2017

“Dealing with college applications is not an easy task and it gets even harder when you don’t even know where to start. SInce I studied in Mexico I was aware that the transition from the Mexican school system to the American higher education system wasn’t going to be easy. What I knew, though, was that with the right help I could make my dreams come true. For me, MORZEP was the perfect answer.”


Mariel Sánchez – University of the Incarnate Word’2019

“Los servicios que MORZEP nos brindó ayudaron a ver cada paso del proceso de una manera más sencilla y me impulsaron a seguir siempre adelante. Fueron muchos correos y llamadas telefónicas y siempre obtuve una respuesta clara e inmediata. Sin MORZEP a mi lado hubiese sido imposible lograrlo.”

Mamá de Francisco Mendoza – St. Mary’s University’2019

Laura De La Miyar

“Siempre es muy importante no olvidar, saber reconocer y agradecer a un gran equipo como el de MORZEP. Agradezco sus conocimientos, experiencia, entrega, dedicación y cariño que ofrecen a nuestros hijos. Eso es lo que hace que se logren las metas que nos proponemos como padres.”


Juan Antonio Solis – Georgetown University’2018

“The day I knew I would be working with MORZEP, I told Mario that Georgetown University had been the school of my dreams for the past three years. I told him that I would do anything necessary to put myself in the best possible position for acceptance. Mario laid the perfect plan out in front of me without sugarcoating anything and showed me the path that I followed to succeed. He was the first person I called when I received the admission letter.”

Padres de Patricio Lankenau – UT Austin – Honors’2017

Patricio y Rosana Lankenau

“We were living in Europe and facing our move to the U.S. Thanks to MORZEP we got on the right path into the best colleges for our kids. They are knowledgable, reliable, accountable, and very accessible, but what we cherish the most is the personal relationship that evolved into a beautiful friendship. Without MORZEP’s help, it would have been impossible.”

Start the best investment of Your life


Today is the day to start thinking and acting towards your children future. Making the right decision supported by our professionals coaches could be one of the best investments of your life. We want to be by your side planning the process to accomplish one of the most important milestones of your children: Getting into the college of their dreams.